Starting Over!

Jun 6, 2020 | Uncategorized

It was a little bit terrifying and a little bit exciting to begin again. Creating my website, that is!

So, why change at all? Why not keep with the status quo?

Quite simply, I’ve chosen to go all in with my writing. I needed a better platform to get my ideas together and share my words with the world.

So here I am, bravely and boldly embracing change. Welcome to my journey and my new digs!!!

If my words resonate, allow me to offer you a gift. Be well.


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Meet Kelly

Meet Kelly

Kelly is an occupational therapist, author, wellness coach and loving wife and mother. As a pediatric occupational therapist, she has over 20 years of experience specializing in sensory processing disorders. With a degree in Strategic Communication and Leadership, she has a unique skill set for creating lasting change!

Learn more here!

Connect with her here!